Pay by Checks

Once you decide to pay a supplier bill, you can select to pay by check. Then, at the end of the day, the manager can print all checks by batch. Finally, the bank reconciliation process will match the checks you sent to suppliers with actual bank statements.


Install the required module

To record supplier payments by checks, you must install the Check Writing module. This module handle the process of recording checks in Flectra. Others modules are necessary to print checks, according to the country. As an example, the U.S. Check Printing module is required to print U.S. checks.

Activate checks payment methods

In order to allow payments by checks, you must activate the payment method on related bank journals. From the accounting dashboard (the screen you get when you enter the accounting application), click on your bank account on More ‣ Settings option. On the Payment Method field, set Check.

Pay a supplier bill with a check

Paying a supplier with a check is done in three steps:

  1. registering a payment you'd like to do on the bill
  2. printing checks in batch for all registered payments
  3. reconcile bank statements

Register a payment by check

To register a payment on a bill, open any supplier bill from the menu Purchases ‣ Vendor Bills. Once the supplier bill is validated, you can register a payment. Set the Payment Method to Check and validate the payment dialog.

Explanation of the fields of the payment screen:

Has Invoices
Technical field used for usability purposes
Hide Payment Method
Technical field used to hide the payment method if the selected journal has only one available which is 'manual'
Manual: Get paid by cash, check or any other method outside of Odoo.
Electronic: Get paid automatically through a payment acquirer by requesting a transaction on a card saved by the customer when buying or subscribing online (payment token).
Check: Pay bill by check and print it from Odoo.
Batch Deposit: Encase several customer checks at once by generating a batch deposit to submit to your bank. When encoding the bank statement in Odoo, you are suggested to reconcile the transaction with the batch deposit.To enable batch deposit, module account_batch_payment must be installed.
SEPA Credit Transfer: Pay bill from a SEPA Credit Transfer file you submit to your bank. To enable sepa credit transfer, module account_sepa must be installed
Show Partner Bank Account
Technical field used to know whether the field `partner_bank_account_id` needs to be displayed or not in the payments form views
Technical field used to adapt the interface to the payment type selected.
Manual Numbering
Check this option if your pre-printed checks are not numbered.
Check Number
The selected journal is configured to print check numbers. If your pre-printed check paper already has numbers or if the current numbering is wrong, you can change it in the journal configuration page.

Reconcile Bank Statements

Once you process your bank statement, when the check is credited from your bank account, Flectra will propose you automatically to match it with the payment. This will mark the payment as Reconciled.

Pay anything with a check

You can register a payment that is not related to a supplier bill. To do so, use the top menu Purchases ‣ Payments. Register your payment and select a payment method by check.

If you pay a specific supplier bill, put the reference of the bill in the Memo field.

Once your payment by check is registered, don't forget to Confirm it. Once confirmed, you can use Print Check directly or follow the preceding flow to print checks in batch: