How to sell accessories and optional products (cross-selling)

You sell computers. Why not stimulating your customers to buy a top-notch screen or an extra-warranty? That's the goal of cross-selling functionalities:

  • Accessory products on checkout page,
  • Optional products on a new Add to Cart screen (not installed by default).

Accessory products when checking out

Accessories (e.g. for computers: mouse, keyboard) show up when the customer reviews the cart before paying.

Select accessories in the Sales tab of the product detail page.

Optional products when adding to cart

Optional products are directly related to the item added to cart (e.g. for computers: warranty, OS software, extra components). Whenever the main product is added to cart, such a new screen pops up as an extra step.

To publish optional products:

  • Install eCommerce Optional Products addon in Apps menu. Remove the default filter to search on addons as well, otherwise only main apps show up.
  • Select optional items from the Sales tab of the product detail form.