How to invoice from the POS interface?

Register an order

On the Dashboard, you can see your points of sales, click on New session:

You are on the main point of sales view :

On the right you can see the list of your products with the categories on the top. Switch categories by clicking on it.

If you click on a product, it will be added in your cart. You can directly set the correct Quantity/Weight by typing it on the keyboard.

Add a customer

By selecting in the customer list

On the main view, click on Customer (above Payment):

You must set a customer in order to be able to issue an invoice.

You can search in the list of your customers or create new ones by clicking on the icon.

By using a barcode for customer

On the main view, click on Customer (above Payment):

Select a customer and click on the pencil to edit.

Set a the barcode for customer by scanning it.

Save modifications and now when you scan the customer's barcode, he is assigned to the order

Payment and invoicing

Once the cart is processed, click on Payment. You can choose the customer payment method. In this example, the customer owes you 10.84 € and pays with by a VISA.

Before clicking on Validate, you have to click on Invoice in order to create an invoice from this order.

Your invoice is printed and you can continue to make orders.

Retrieve invoices of a specific customer

To retrieve the customer's invoices, go to the Sale application, click on Sales ‣ Customers.

On the customer information view, click on the Invoiced button :

You will get the list all his invoices. Click on the invoice to get the details.